So this past week has been super duper busy for all of us! And you know what? It's been a great success!

On Monday the 19th, we revisited Seussville!
Back when we were celebrating Octember, we held "A Night in Seussville," where we collaborated with the Student Activities Office and invited kids and their families for a fun night of Dr. Seuss games and activities. We decided to go back to Seussville again, but this time to celebrate March is Reading Month! With our friends and wonderful collaborater on the project, Teri over in the SAO, we had a really awesome event! The night started out with a dinner for the guests (I mean, we're pretty nice people), and then the festivities began.
Games. Cats. Hats. Photos. Hat making. Book reading. Eating. Laughing. Face painting. Tail pulling. SEUSS.
Then, on Wednesday the 21st, we engaged in cupcake wars!

Finally, on Thursday, we had our Paths to Publishing workshop!
This was the third and final installment in our Winter 2012 Poetry Workshop Series. Our guest presenter for the evening was none other than our Empress, Dr. Finlayson! She gave a really great and informative talk about how to break into the publishing arena, both within and outside of poetry. A lot of work is involved, from writing, to making a name for yourself in your local poetry scene, to blogging, to submitting . . . and submitting . . . and submitting. It gave me some ideas on how to establish a writing scene on campus and help poets with true passion get their work noticed. The handout that she gave us should be on CTools soon, so be on the lookout for an email about that! Thanks so much, Dr, Finlayson!
Aaaaaaaaaand, now that all of that's over, we are in FULL POETRY PICNIC MODE!

- Amal A
LEP Queen of Poetry
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