Saturday, December 8, 2012

LEP Holiday Arts & Crafts

I'm sure by now most everyone knows that the LEP just wants to have fun. I mean, that's like a summary of our mission statement.

So it makes sense that we would have an event just to decorate a Christmas tree and make greeting cards, right? And even if it didn't make sense, we would still have done it. Because have you ever MADE greeting cards before? It's so. much. fun.


This was the first time I've ever decorated a Christmas tree before. And I was trusted to buy all the ornaments. I mean, that makes sense. I think I went a liiiittle overboard with what I got, but everything was so cute.

Tiny snowmen bells with colorful earmuffs.

Ceramic penguins wearing green hats.

Soft, plushy snowmen with hats and scarves.

Little gold and red ball ornaments that sparkled.

Crystal-like snowflakes that capture the light.

Delicious-looking gingerbread people.

The dozen red-and-white-striped candy canes we didn't use.

And miniature presents underneath the tree.

I mean, aren't they cute? They're the most adorable little ornaments I've ever seen. And I've seen a million ornaments in my time as a Christmas-tree-decorater-extraordinaire.

We of course had our star for the top of the tree, in beautiful shimmery LEP red and gold. It was great, even if it did kind of overwhelm Erich's miniature tree. Still, we made it work. Although, I'm prettttty sure the star is the last thing to go on the tree (from what I've heard and seen on TV), we broke with tradition and put the star on like, somewhere in the middle of decorating. We are just amazing at this stuff.

The most important ornament of all time.
The most important ornament, though, was this one. It's a dragon. A GOLD dragon. An LEP dragon. Wrapped around a Christmas wreath. Isn't it perfect? It really, really is. Kind of heavy for the cute little tree, but we used the power of SCIENCE to balance everything out. So there was this one ornament on one side of the tree, and all of the other ornaments hanging on the other side. Genius.
This was just so much fun. I don't think anyone else was as enthusiastic about decorating the tree as I was. Case in point: no one got up to help with it no matter how many times I asked. They just wanted to look at the ornaments and say how cute they were, and then went back to making cards. So I decked the tree out and they made cards. And we all ate cookies and listened to Christmas music. Holiday spirit FTW.

The tree will be going up in our cubicle soon, to celebrate the holidays in the SOC. In the meantime, it's hanging out in the Chem Lounge, with all of the other holiday decorations in there.

Oh, and the cards, you ask? What about the cards? Well, I'm not sure what we'll be doing with those. Maybe sending them off to Timbuktu. Or selling them to fund our secret punch addiction. Or maybe we'll just put them in a a bottle and throw them out into the ocean, so send League love across many leagues of the sea.

- Viscountess, 2012-13

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