Saturday, February 11, 2012

Filming: Day One!

So yesterday (Friday February 10th) was PPHS's annual Brunch With Dr. DeCamp.

The premise: bring together a whole bunch of pre-med, pharm, dent, etc. students in one room and fire question after question after freaking question at PPHS adviser and Pre-Medical advisor, Dr. DeCamp, and see how many he can answer within the time-frame before breaking out in tears. This time, Dr. DeCamp was aided by his trusty sidekick Umair Ahmed, 2011 graduate of UM-Dearborn and current first year medical student at WSU School of Medicine.

It was a lot of fun! The whole brunch and Q&A lasted two hours, and would have gone for longer if Dr. DeCamp didn't have a meeting at 1pm. Boring faculty meetings always ruin things. I'm sure it's a conspiracy. Aside from that, it was great - great turnout, great participation, great questions. My only complaint was the food (which I'm sure we can talk to Campus Dining about) but that didn't put a damper on the brunch. Hooray for success! Mo, if you're reading this, nice work!

After Brunch, I switched gears from PPHS to LEP aaaaaand it was time for filming! One of our ongoing projects in the League has been filming this video; back in September, Norton announced an international student poetry recitation contest for college and high school students - film yourself reading one of the eight poems on their list, and you could win $100 at B&N and have your name featured on the acknowledgments of a Norton Anthology. Really cool!

Unfortunately, that's when the LEP was still brand new, so the deadline came and went, and we didn't get very far with the video. Until now. Now, we have a script, thanks to Wafa! And actors. And capes. And swords. And a schedule. And a battle horn, courtesy of the fabulous Sara Millward!

Yesterday was the first real day of filming, and Sara and I were in this HUGE room in CASL for like 2 hours, improvising the stage setting, hearing our voices echo, and basically filming and recording a lot of material for the blooper reel. That'll probably end up being longer than the actual video. No complaints, though, because Sara is AWESOME and we had a lot of fun, especially when Miriam came by and ate her pb&j quite elegantly. I don't know if you guys have read "Peanut Butter Sandwich" by Shel Silverstein, but that's what that reminded me of!

I know the movie will be great. Filming will be continuing throughout the month of February, and Wafa's ambitious goal is to get it all done before spring break. If you want to be a part of the movie in any way, shape, or form, email us! We're eagerly refreshing our inbox!

- Amal

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